Dry Bulk News Archive

MacGregor GravityVibeReel NKM NoellConductixEMS-TechMGB & CompanyESI EurosiloAssociated TerminalsRIKONListenowNegriniOrts Grabs
Vale to double Moatize coal mine output
23 November 2011: The board of Brazil’s Vale had approved a $6 billion (R50bn) expansion of its Moatize coal project in Mozambique to lift output to 22 million tonnes a year from the 11 million tonnes it expected to mine initially, a senior official said yesterday...

Conductix-Wampfler targets port sector after landing two major contracts
21 November 2011: Salford based international mobile energy firm Conductix-Wampfler has landed two major deals in the ports sector...

TAIM WESER supplies a full conveying circuit for the TIFERT phosphoric acid plant in Skhira (Tunisia)
18 November 2011: TAIM WESER designs and supplies a dual phosphate conveying circuit for the TIFERT (Tunisian Indian Fertilizers) phosphoric acid production plant located in Skhira, in Southern Tunisia...

A market apart – vessel supply remains key for Handysize operators
15 November 2011: This time last year DCI predicted the Handysize sector would prove more appealing than the overall dry bulk carrier market during 2011. Within the parameters of a bearish freight environment...

Bad vibrations lead to costly dispute for shipmanager
15 November 2011: International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC) has emphasized the importance of shipmanagers using the right contracts and having appropriate insurance in place to cover the legal costs of defending even weak claims...

Bulk bagging getting the buzz on bagging and FIBCs
15 November 2011: Utilizing proven bulk bag filling technology by Custom Equipment Design (CED), Gulf Coast ship side bulk bag packaging rates are exceeding 120tph (tonnes per hour)...

Gearing up for cargo handling – the place of geared bulkers in the handling of bulk and breakbulk
15 November 2011: Lauritzen Bulkers A/S (LB), a global industrial carrier and ship owner, based in Copenhagen, has been building up a large fleet of geared bulk carriers over the past 20 years...

ICS chair calls for more navy forces in Indian Ocean
15 November 2011: Governments have ceded control of the Indian Ocean to pirates and the small deployment of naval forces to the region is like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound — so says ICS chairman Spyros M Polemis...

ICS stresses importance of treaty ratification
15 November 2011: Governments must not impede the smooth operation of a global maritime regulatory regime by failing to ratify and implement crucial maritime conventions, warns the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

Intership Navigation Company relies on Veson Nautical’s IMOS
15 November 2011: Intership Navigation Company Ltd., headquartered in Cyprus, was established in 1988 as a vessel owning and management company, with divisions that handle new building design/construction supervision, technical maintenance...

Japan’s ‘Big 3’ suffering from bulk downturn
15 November 2011: Japan’s three major shipping conglomerates all racked up major losses in the financial quarter ending 30 September, but one analyst believes...

JLMD signs ‘historic’ deal with Chinese shipyard
15 November 2011: Earlier this year, global supplier of maritime passive safety solutions JLMD Ecologic Group signed a historic agreement with the Tianjin Xingang Shipyard (XGSIC) of China...

Massive increase in steel volumes handled at the UK’s Port of Liverpool
15 November 2011: The Port of Liverpool has achieved a 75% year on year increase in steel volumes handled in 2011 thanks to a £1.5m investment in infrastructure and the...

Polski Rejestr Statków develops software programme to support ship operations
15 November 2011: Several factors influence the safe operation of ships, including good marine practice based mostly on crew skills. However, nowadays safe shipping...

ABP and TransAtlantic UK agreement
14 November 2011: Associated British Ports’ (ABP) Port of Hull has recently signed a new ten-year agreement with TransAtlantic UK Ltd, which operates up to three sailings a week linking the Humber with Sweden, for a new bespoke ten-acre terminal in Hull.

ATEX-compliant clean-up from Wieland
14 November 2011: It’s somehow Murphys Law that any spillages around conveyor belts or other facilities are either too little for a large cleaning machine, or too big for manual clean-up...

14 November 2011: Belgium based E-Crane Worldwide reports healthy order intake and shipments for clients around the world. Recent shipments include a high number of repeat customers including the eighth unit for AEP...

Bunge expands in Poland using Cimbria technology
14 November 2011: For more than 60 years, the Denmark-based company Cimbria has developed solutions for the handling, storing, conditioning and drying of grain a...

Canada set to lose its single desk marketing board
14 November 2011: After years of wrangling and anguish the Canadian government has finally introduced legislation to kill the Canadian Wheat Board, the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world, writes Ray Dykes...

Coal industry getting a bad rap - Canadian sector ‘told to fight back’
14 November 2011: The global coal industry is under pressure and attack as never before, but the Canadian sector has been told “enough is enough” and it’s time to fight back...

Coal’s dominance at Gangaravam to decline
14 November 2011: The port authority at Gangaravam predicts that the percentage of coal traffic will decline in the longer term as it targets alternative commodities.

Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Co. collaborates with Indian government
14 November 2011: Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Company (DMW) has announced that NTPC-BHEL Power Projects Private Limited (NBPPL), a joint venture company between two public...

Demag Cranes expands port technology business in Turkey
14 November 2011: The Demag Cranes Group is continuing to expand its business in the port technology segment in Turkey. After receiving purchase orders in the previous year for a total of nine new Gottwald mobile harbour cranes, in the current...

Demag Cranes supplies five MHCs to the Netherlands
14 November 2011: Demag Cranes is further expanding its business in the Netherlands with the delivery of a total of five Generation 5 Gottwald mobile harbour cranes to three major terminal operators. The buyers, existing customers of Demag Cranes, use these machines...

Dry bulk capacity at India’s Dhamra Port
14 November 2011: A major hindrance for India to achieve a sustainable GDP growth rate of 9% is infrastructure deficit, including inadequate port capacity. ...

EECV boosts capacity
14 November 2011: A total of €20 million is to be spent on expanding coal handling capacity at the Europoort terminal in Rotterdam, which is managed by EECV...

Ennore to benefit from Chennai embargo
14 November 2011: Because of the decision made by Madras High Court in October effectively banning the handling of dusty cargo at the port of Chennai, Chettinad International Coal Terminal...

Explosion protection with NBE’s agitator hopper
14 November 2011: Designed specifically for handling bulk materials known to generate combustible dust, National Bulk Equipment, Inc. (NBE)’s agitator hopper is constructed with explosion protection and control features...

Fertilizer handling with Italy’s intergroup
14 November 2011: ‘intergroup’ is a recognized integrated logistics company based in Italy, which has a great deal of experience in handling fertilizers, as well as other cargoes...

Global fertilizer outlook
14 November 2011: Following the pan asset sell-off of risky assets in the summer, the downside risks to the global economy intensified in October, as financial markets concern about the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis grew...

Good news for India’s fertilizer industry
14 November 2011: These are exciting times for the Indian fertilizer industry. On the back of food grain output rising by 16mt (million tonnes) to a record 234mt in 2010/11, the country...

Growing Asian steam coal imports -BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK November 2011
14 November 2011: Evidence to support a view of continued growth in global dry bulk trade through 2012 is not difficult to find. Yet much greater uncertainty about the outlook has emerged recently...

Gujarat embargo on old bulk carriers
14 November 2011: Following the sinking of a coal carrier close to the port of Mumbai, dry bulk vessels over 25 years old will no longer be able to enter ports in Gujarat.

Liebherr crane halves discharge times at Port of Liverpool
14 November 2011: The Port of Liverpool’s new Liebherr harbour mobile crane has earned its spurs by massively reducing the discharge time in its first operational use.

LISTENOW: 40 years of ‘no loss’ cargo loading
14 November 2011: For more than 40 years, German loading solution specialist LISTENOW GmbH & Co has ensured that nothing is lost when bulk materials are loaded using its systems.

Midget nozzles available for dust suppression
14 November 2011: Dust Control Technology has introduced a new nozzle design for its atomized misting equipment, engineered specifically for applications requiring smaller droplet sizes or reduced water volumes to minimize surface wetting...

Midwest makes Inc 5000 list for fourth time
14 November 2011: For the fourth time in five years, Midwest has earned a position on the Inc 5000 annual ranking of the fastest- growing private companies in America, the only dust-control and soil stabilization company with a presence among the Top Privately...

More grain trade dramas
14 November 2011: Key pieces of the global grain trade are being shaken up again. A dramatic recovery in wheat and coarse grains exports from Russia and Ukraine is already under way, reversing an equally dramatic collapse seen in the past twelve months...

New Martin Engineering paint line for bulk handling components
14 November 2011: In a move designed to further elevate the quality of component finishing and reduce lead times, Martin Engineering has installed a comprehensive new paint line at its global manufacturing headquarters...

Peel Ports selects DBIS for major systems upgrade
14 November 2011: Peel Ports has selected DBIS to deliver a major upgrade of the automation and management systems at its agribulk terminals at the Port of Liverpool in the UK...

Port of Tilbury signs feed deal with Glencore
14 November 2011: The Port of Tilbury (POTLL) and Glencore Grain UK Ltd have signed a deal to handle and distribute large volumes of animal feed for livestock producers across the UK...

Port Of Tilbury takes delivery of two Sennebogens
14 November 2011: Investment continues at the UK’s Port of Tilbury (POTLL) as the London port took delivery this month of two new Sennebogen 870Ms to enhance its specialist bulk and general cargo handling capabilities...

Rotterdam coal terminals expand
14 November 2011: The Port of Rotterdam, overall, is to expand its coal handling capacity, as demand in Europe continues to increase.

Russia’s Vysotsk coal exports up 50%
14 November 2011: For the first six months of this year, coal exports of the Russian port of Vysotsk amounted to 1.6mt (million tonnes), equivalent to grow to 50%.

Sammi presents ‘Bulk Kremi’ project to operators worldwide
14 November 2011: The date 1 October 2011 will remain a milestone in the history of Italian manufacturer Sammi, a provider of equipment for offshore bulk handling...

SCHADE celebrates ten years as part of the AUMUND Group
14 November 2011: As of September this year, SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH has been part of the AUMUND Group for ten years. The high expectations which both sides set at the time for this partnership have been entirely fulfilled...

Set in stone? Far from it! – cement handling and storage solutions evolve to meet the ever-changing demands of the market
14 November 2011: To reduce the number of accidents within the quarry and cement industry, new guidelines have been introduced by the Mineral Products Association (MPA) to address the problem of over-pressurization of storage silos during tanker...

Traffic at Dunkirk up 10% at end of September
14 November 2011: September 2011 saw satisfactory traffic volumes in excess of 3.9mt (million tonnes) for France’s third-ranking port, Dunkirk. Total traffic to the end of September (35.05mt) was up 10% over last year...

Vale comes to the rescue of Brazil’s faltering fertilizer industry
14 November 2011: Vale, the world’s largest producer of iron ore, is to use some of its massive profits to increase the output of fertilizer, now Brazil’s second most costly import...

Zeeland Seaport appoints chief commercial officer
14 November 2011: Zeeland Seaports has appointed Dick Gilhuis MBA (born 1964) chief commercial officer as of 1 October 2011. He reports to CEO Hans van der Hart and will form part...

A package for Spitsbergen: mobile shiploader and link conveyor
01 October 2011: Store Norske Spitsbergen Grubekompani (SNSG) has ordered a mobile shiploader and a link conveyor from B&W Mechanical Handling to replace an existing installation that was damaged beyond repair in March...

A tale of two dome projects
01 October 2011: Worldwide demand for clean coal and sustainable biomass storage alternatives has surged in recent years. Dome Technology LLC continues to provide timely collaborative state-of-the-art engineering and construction services for dome storage solutions...

Amsterdam sees bright future in energy
01 October 2011: The Port of Amsterdam is styling itself as a full-blown energy hub as it branches out.

Antigua and Barbuda authorizes GL for MLC 2006
01 October 2011: The maritime administration of Antigua and Barbuda has authorized Germanischer Lloyd (GL) to carry out inspection and certification services under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006)...

Australia’s Abbot Point to become one of the world’s largest coal ports
01 October 2011: The Port of Abbot Point, already a force among Australian bulk ports, has drawn significant interest in a massive project to make it one of the largest coal ports in the world...

Bauxite unloading with E-Cranes – two case studies
01 October 2011: Now in its 10th year of operation, the GMSV floating offloading terminal continues to provide reliable bauxite unloading service...

Beira begins shipping coal
01 October 2011: The port of Beira in Mozambique handled the first consignment of export coal from the Moatize mines in July...

Bulk ports in the Hamburg–Le Havre range – Northern European bulk terminals pull out of recession
01 October 2011: The recession appears to be over at some of Northern Europe’s dry bulk ports, with operators reporting rising levels of traffic. The Belgian Port of Ghent registered a 21% drop...

Cement in short supply in post-war Sri Lanka
01 October 2011: Increased demand from a booming construction industry in post war Sri Lanka has resulted in a severe cement shortage in the country...

Chennai told to stop handling dusty cargo
01 October 2011: Madras High Court has ordered the port of Chennai to stop handling coal and iron ore as of October. This is the result of a petition entered nine years ago by a local residents’ association complaining about pollution from the port in the form of dust from both these commodities...

Coal handling in the Port of Hamburg in the last 18 months
01 October 2011: The import of coal via Germany’s Port of Hamburg totals 2.82mt (million tonnes) in the first half year of 2011 and remained 12.7% above the previous year’s result.

CRH selects ABB’s Expert Optimizer for Ozarow cement plant
01 October 2011: ABB, a major power and automation technology group, has announced that CRH plc recently selected ABB’s award winning cpmPlus Expert Optimizer for installation at CHR’s Ozarow cement plant in Poland...

Crop mortgage to push up Thai rice price
01 October 2011: Retail rice prices in Thailand could jump by 25% or more from this month once the government launches the crop mortgage programme...

EBS expands for coal
01 October 2011: European Bulk Services (EBS) B.V. is a major multipurpose bulk terminal operator in the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands...

Essar at forefront of Indian port developments
01 October 2011: The steel to power to oil refinery group Essar has been at the forefront of building of new privately owned ports in India where the government with its 13 major ports continue to operate an overwhelmingly major portion of cargo handling capacity...

Essar Group to invest in Beira
01 October 2011: The Essar group is to build a 20mt (million tonnes) iron ore terminal at the port of Beira in Mozambique. From here, surplus output from the company’s Mwanezi and Ripple Creek mines in Zimbabwe will be exported...

European coal trade 2011
01 October 2011: The European coal market continues to be less spectacular than those in Asia and the Americas, although business has been better than many might have expected a year ago when some countries had taken much less coal by Q3 than in 2009...

Failure is not an option with igus systems
01 October 2011: For about 20 years igus energy chains have been widely accepted as an alternative to festoon systems in safely supplying energy and data for trolleys on STS, RTG, RMG...

Faltering economic growth - BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK OCtober 2011
01 October 2011: Signs of positive influences supporting commodity import demand around the world are still visible. But doubts are mounting about the extent of potential for...

First Capesize vessel calls at Dhamra
01 October 2011: India’s Dhamra port, which commenced operations in May, handled its first Capesize vessel in late July. The vessel was carrying 150,000 tonnes...

Freightliner wins steel contract
01 October 2011: UK rail specialist Freightliner Heavy Haul Ltd has started multi-year contract with steel giant, Celsa Steel UK. Three trains will transport scrap metal...

Heavy lift: Duluth handles wind turbine components
01 October 2011: The BBC Jade arrived in the Port of Duluth, USA, early on 8 September Thursday morning, to begin discharging nearly 4,000 freight tonnes of wind turbine components destined for Minnesota Power’s Bison 1 Wind Energy Center in North Dakota...

Heyl & Patterson signs representative agreement with Tecnagent in Chile
01 October 2011: In late August this year, Heyl & Patterson Inc., a renowned provider of thermal processing systems and bulk material handling, announced the signing of an exclusive representative agreement with Tecnagent, a marketer of mining equipment based in Santiago, Chile...

Indexator world-class manufacturing and high-quality products
01 October 2011: On the banks of the roaring Vindel river in northern Sweden lies Indexator AB. Here, some of the world’s best-selling rotators are manufactured...

Juha Heikinheimo appointed president of Napa Group
01 October 2011: Juha Heikinheimo has been appointed to the position of President of Napa Group (Napa Ltd), a major provider of software solutions for the maritime industry. The appointment took effect on 1 September 2011.

Lafarge Cement UK selects Haver’s new ADAMS® 2000
01 October 2011: Haver & Boecker’s ADAMS® 2000 was introduced to the public for the first time at the recent INTERPACK fair in Du¨sseldorf...

Liebherr delivers 2 LHM 180s to Onitsha River Port
01 October 2011: The ports on the Niger River in Nigeria are receiving attention in line with Nigerian government policy. A programme of dredging...

Liège Port Authority reports 7% traffic escalation (waterway, rail, road) during the first six months of 2011
01 October 2011: An overall cargo total of 11,319,587 tonnes (waterway-rail-road) was handled by the Lie`ge Port Authority during the first half of the year: up 771,875 tonnes, or +7%, on the first six months of last year...

Nacala to become major CVRD export port
01 October 2011: The chairman of CVRD says that development of the port of Nacala and the rail system in northern Mozambique could be a major factor in the development of sub-Saharan Africa...

New coal terminal for Beira
01 October 2011: Ports and Railways of Mozambique is to build a new coal terminal in the port of Beira capable of handling 12mt (million tonnes) to 20mt...

NORDEN forges ahead on cargo growth
01 October 2011: Denmark-based owner and operator NORDEN’s strategy of focusing more on long-term cargo contracts is beginning to pay off. Actual transported dry cargo volumes on NORDEN- operated vessels have grown by 40% this year and also forward dry cargo bookings are exceeding expectations...

Out with the old — in with the new
01 October 2011: MoorMasterTM is an automated mooring technology that eliminates the need for conventional mooring lines. Remote controlled vacuum pads re...

Paranaguá spends to cut truck queues
01 October 2011: A total of $7 million is to be spent on creating six logistics centres close to the port of Paranagua´ in Brazil where inbound trucks can be held...

PLM Cranes sells crane to Gulf Power
01 October 2011: PLM cranes are manufactured in the Netherlands and are in service throughout the world. Several machines have recently been delivered to the USA for dredging and material handling.

Port Bonython wins licence for bulk terminal
01 October 2011: The project to build a dry bulk terminal at the Australian Port Bonython has been granted an environmental licence. Management of the terminal will be undertaken...

Port of Newcastle to build coal terminal
01 October 2011: Port Waratah Coal Services is to build a new coal terminal at the port of Newcastle. Pier number four will be able to handle around 120mt (million tonnes) per year...

Quality control ensured with Inspectorate
01 October 2011: The Coaltrans conference in Madrid comes at a highly significant time for the world economy. This is a period of great uncertainty and all parts of the coal industry are...

Salalah dry bulk traffic buoyant
01 October 2011: The port of Salalah in Oman says that cargo this year peaked in May at a record 764,000 t, beating the previous record set in 1998.

Ships that pass in the night — and day – dry bulk transshipment systems and self-unloading vessels
01 October 2011: Throughout its history, CSL has been perfecting the use of belt self-unloaders on short sea shipping routes, and today is recognized as a major supplier in this specialized trade...

Staying ahead in the stockyard – how access to the right equipment can assure a smooth handling process
01 October 2011: Telestack Limited specializes in the design, manufacture and installation of a complete range mobile stockyard management solutions for handling dry bulk materials...

Vietnam imports Indonesian coal
01 October 2011: Vietnam has begun importing coal for domestic use from Indonesia via the Cat Lai port. This was acquired by the Vinacomin Group for power generation purposes...

VIKING cuts no corners on safety
01 October 2011: Marine and fire safety equipment leader VIKING Life-Saving Equipment reports that its Laem Chabang,Thailand production facilities were recently OHSAS...

Geometrica achieves OHSAS 18001 certification
26 September 2011: Renowned manufacturer of domes and other structures Geometrica has core values that include ethics, safety, quality, learning and continuous improvement...

2mt growth forecast for global wheat trade next year
14 September 2011: Total world trade of wheat and maize in the next 12 months is forecast to reach a three-year high of 244m tones, an improvement of 2m tones on 2010-2011 volumes, which should provide greater demand for bulk carriers over the next 12 months.

India prepares plans to allow terminal concessions
14 September 2011: India's shipping ministry has prepared plans to allow bulk cargo owners to take terminal concessions at the country's major ports as part of attempts to improved their efficiency...

MMX wins iron ore deal for Sudeste
14 September 2011: Brazilian mining company MMX Mineração e Metálicos has won a 10-year offtake deal from Minervest Mineração, which will help the viability of its new Sudeste port.

Rina offers new solution to dangers of nickel ore liquifaction
14 September 2011: Bulk cargoes prone to liquefaction, like nickel ore, frequently cause problems. The biggest problem with these cargoes is caused by high moisture content...

Vale's 40,000dwt Vale Brasil enters service, rest of fleet to be delivered by 2013
14 September 2011: Since Vale's first orders for the 400,000dwt Valemax vessels were placed with Rongsheng Shipbuilding and Heavy Industries shipyard in China in August 2008...

A movable feast? – mobile harbour equipment keeps things flexible in the port
01 September 2011: In May 2011 Port of Odense took delivery of a new Liebherr mobile harbour crane, type LHM 550. With its impressive total height of 74 metres...

ABB takes US cement production to a new level
01 September 2011: ABB has delivered a complete power and automation solution for a new cement facility in the Southwestern United States — “an outstanding solution that will help us achieve efficiency and productivity levels beyond industry standards,” said the customer....

ADM to build grain terminal in Uruguay
01 September 2011: Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) has announced that it is to build a grain export terminal in Nueva Palmira, Uruguay, which will handle corn...

Amsterdam is ready for biomass
01 September 2011: The Dutch government wants to make the co-firing of biomass in coal-fired plants mandatory. Amsterdam, transshipment and transport companies, traders — all are ready to provide Europe with biomass...

Brazil will help feed the extra billions to join us on the planet
01 September 2011: An all time record soya crop of close to 75mt (million tonnes), more than 5mt more than the already record 69mt harvested last year, will allow up to 50mt of soya beans...

Bulk handling gets a clean bill of health - advanced dust control systems protect operators and the environment
01 September 2011: The concept of highly efficient filter systems, combined with excellent delivery, has proven its worth since 2010 and techNaero has supplied several very big filter installations to some very polluted areas...

Bulk packaging operation ensures 50,000lb/h rate
01 September 2011: National Bulk Equipment, Inc. (NBE) is offering a self- contained, high-volume bulk material packaging system processes up to 50,000 pounds/hour of combustible materials of varied physical...

Bulk storage? We’ve got it covered! - enclosed storage and handling of bulk commodities
01 September 2011: By integrating innovative design expertise and comprehensive construction capabilities, Dome Technology LLC is meeting new worldwide demands for improved bulk storage solutions...

China’s commodity imports — a mixed picture
01 September 2011: Demand for imported dry bulk commodities from Chinese buyers this year has been disappointing for optimists. While signs of growth resuming in the biggest trade, iron ore, were clearly visible, the pattern elsewhere showed a weakening picture.

Dry bulk berth for India’s Kandla port
01 September 2011: Kandla PortTrust has been given permission to build a dry bulk terminal atTekra nearTuna.The $24 million facility will be taken forward on a BOT (buy, operate, transfer) basis...

DSI Snakes continue to grow in Spain
01 September 2011: In 2003, Dos Santos International (DSI) in co-operation with PHB Weserhu¨tte, commissioned a DSI Snake sandwich high angle conveyor for the Aceralia Steel Mill in Gijon, Asturias Spain...

Durban to handle manganese exports
01 September 2011: The Tshipi mine in South Africa will use the port of Durban as well as that of Port Elizabeth to ship manganese ore. This will reach the coast using both rail and road, although rail operator Transnet is to reinforce the existing rail link to Durban...

Feed markets reel from soaring costs - continued effects of global financial turmoil and economic slowdown
01 September 2011: Earlier in the year, the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) assessment of the world economy saw the recovery continuing with reasonable global growth about 4–41/2% through 2012, albeit with significant risks to the downside.

Flag state rules on arms and private armed guards on board vessels
01 September 2011: With the assistance of its members, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) in association with the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), has compiled a useful reference...

Grabbing the attention of the floating crane market
01 September 2011: NKM Noell Special Cranes has developed a new generation of floating grab crane or lemniscate cranes. The purpose of the floating lemniscate grab crane is to load and unload (bulk) vessels, midstream or between the vessel and the quay, using a 36-tonne or 40-tonne grab...

Heavy lift specialist Jumbo appoints Tecnoil as its agent in Brazil
01 September 2011: Dutch heavy lift shipping and offshore installation company Jumbo has announced the recent appointment of Tecnoil Comercio e Representacoes Ltda as its agent in Brazil. Tecnoil has been active in the energy market since 1973.

HMRC may rethink tonnage taxes, says Moore Stephens
01 September 2011: Renowned accountant and shipping adviser, Moore Stephens, understands that Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has agreed to re-examine, in consultation with the shipping industry, its earlier intention to unilaterally reinterpret the UK Tonnage Tax rules to the potential detriment of many shipowners...

India readies itself for a second ‘green revolution’
01 September 2011: India’s prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh has given a call for a follow up second green revolution to the first one in the 1960s, which ushered in the much desired self-reliance in food for the country, writes Kunal Bose...

New Mangalore handling more ore
01 September 2011: New Mangalore Port in India is to benefit from the Supreme Court decision to lift a ban imposed by the Karnataka state government on the export of iron ore.

Port of Amsterdam: Waterland Terminal prepares to handle more steel
01 September 2011: Behind the new warehouses, the existing covered ‘loading street’, for loading trucks and cargo trains, will be extended. Waterland Terminal has no concrete freight for the newly created capacity. “We have a lack of space as it is, so the new warehouses will come to good use...

Port of Thunder Bay: largest outbound port on the Lakes and Seaway System
01 September 2011: The Port of Thunder Bay is located at the head of the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway System on Western Lake Superior. It is Canada’s ‘gateway to the west’ providing access to international markets for Western Canada...

Precia Molen unveils automatic discontinuous totalizing bulk hopper scales
01 September 2011: Over the past four decades Precia-Molen has established a worldwide reputation as a major supplier of weighing equipment for use in bulk transshipment and storage facilities...

Primasonics launches all-new Quattro range of sonic sootblowers
01 September 2011: Working in conjunction with two leading UK universities Primasonics International Limited has succeeded in designing a new cost-effective, high-performance and green range of acoustic cleaners...

QMASTOR Limited wins export award
01 September 2011: QMASTOR Limited — a major supplier of software solutions for the global mining, ports, power and bulk commodity industries — was announced as the recipient of the Services Exporter Award at the Hunter Central Coast Export Awards 2011...

QMASTOR software selected by Vale Brazil
01 September 2011: QMASTOR has been chosen by Vale for the provision of its Pit to Plant and iFuse systems for installation at its Onc¸a Puma nickel operations in the Brazilian state of Para´.

Safety at sea – how the right equipment and practices help keep seafarers and vessels safe
01 September 2011: Efforts are being made to improve the safety of vessels that load cargoes that can liquefy, writes Michael King. Existing regulations on the certification of dangerous cargoes need to be more stringently followed, and more effort should be taken to refine those regulations by the IMO’s relevant committees, according to...

San Nicolás moves into grain shipment market
01 September 2011: The San Nicola´s River port in Argentina is now handling grain traffic generated by the Gear and Curcia companies. It has been calculated that around 20,000 tonnes per month will be shipped from the port...

Seeing the wood for the trees - news from the forest products market
01 September 2011: In September this year, forestry investment trust Bosques del Uruguay aims to raise $50 million by listing shares on the Montevideo Stock Exchange in the first transaction of its kind on the Uruguayan financial market. The proceeds are to be used to buy 10,000 hectares (24,700 acres) of land in Uruguay to grow...

Seville stevedore acquires mobile harbour crane
01 September 2011: The stevedoring company Carbo´n Puerto Operaciones Portuarias, which is based in Seville, Spain, has acquired a Liebherr LHM 400 mobile harbour crane...

Steel company invests in electrical production line
01 September 2011: The China Steel Corp. (CSC) is planning to invest US$486 million to open a new production line for motor-use electrical sheet steel in the southern port city of Kaohsiung, home of its headquarters and factories, an economic affairs official has said...

ThyssenKrupp railcar unloaders for Tarahan Port
01 September 2011: PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk., Indonesia or PTBA, holder of two coal mine sites in South and West Sumatra, is currently increasing its production from coal mining in Tanjung Enim...

Ventspils in competition with Ust-Luga for Baltic coal
01 September 2011: Baltic Coal Terminal at the port of Ventspils is forecasting 4mt (million tonnes) of coal will pass through the terminal this year. MPO Kuzbas, which has a 50% stake...

Dry bulk trade advancing - BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK September 2011
31 August 2011: Among reports emerging in the past few weeks, indications of growing imports of dry bulk commodities in many countries are still prominent...

Alcoa set to benefit from growing metal demand
11 August 2011: Alcoa is one of the world’s largest producers of aluminium and aluminium-related products. The company operates numerous aluminium mines and smelters across the globe and is expanding into emerging markets where demand is on the rise...

BEUMER and Crisplant in the UK now BEUMER Group UK
11 August 2011: As part of the integration of Crisplant Ltd. into the Beumer Group, the company in the UK is now operating under the name BEUMER Group UK Limited...

Breakbulk drives increase in cargo throughput at the Port of Halifax
11 August 2011: Cargo traffic through the Port of Halifax is continuing a slow climb out of the recession. Numbers for the second quarter of 2011 show an 11.8%...

Centuries’ experience handling forest products in the Port of Amsterdam
11 August 2011: Amsterdam is one of the world’s key international logistics hubs. From cocoa beans to coal, from paper to oil. Millions of tonnes of dry and liquid bulk...

EU steel market starts to improve
11 August 2011: Evidence has become stronger of economic growth becoming more balanced owing to an investment-driven rebound in domestic demand. Manufacturing will remain the sector that benefits the most in this phase of the upswing, providing positive spin-off effects to other sectors as well...

EUROPORTS — continuing leadership in handling forest products
11 August 2011: Leading terminal operator EUROPORTS is well known for its expertise and strong position in the forest products sector...

Heavy lift operator Jumbo expands fleet with new vessel
11 August 2011: An agreement has been signed with the Brodosplit shipyard in Split, Croatia, for the construction of a top segment heavy lift vessel.

Langh Ship Cargo Solutions brings skull into containers
11 August 2011: Langh Ship Cargo Solutions, which has previously launched several containers to transport steel products, has now expanded to the world of raw materials...

Marmon/Keystone's Bucyrus location adds overhead crane
11 August 2011: Installation is complete on a 6-tonne Konecranes CXTD double girder, dual hoist overhead crane at Marmon/Keystone's Bucyrus break bulk facility. The crane, located in the hot rolled depot building, will expedite the processing of cut-to-length orders....

Moody’s: negative outlook caused by vessel oversupply
11 August 2011: Even though the demand for shipping services is likely to remain solid in 2011, underpinned by positive trends in world trade...

On board with bulk handling grabs – shipboard grabs and cranes
11 August 2011: Blug’s solutions for shipboard cranes have a wide range of possibilities...

Pulp getting the lowdown on the market
11 August 2011: Plans to build nine large new pulp mills in the next ten years, may be pushed back slightly, following fears of a slowdown in the Chinese economy...

Agitator hopper with explosion protection and control features
10 August 2011: Designed specifically for handling bulk materials known to generate combustible dust, this agitator hopper from National Bulk Equipment, Inc. (NBE) is constructed with explosion protection and control features, including: an explosion venting system, calculated on a Kst value of 170 and Pmax of 9.5, to direct and release overpressure to prepared areas...

Antaq gives green light to Tegram
10 August 2011: Antaq has approved the tender for a new grain terminal at the port of Itaqui´. This will be known as Tegram. Four groups of storage capacity will be offered...

BHP Billiton breaks records for iron ore and thermal coal
10 August 2011: HP Billiton has reported record iron ore and thermal coal production figures for its financial year to 30 June as mining expansion plans continue, creating increased cargo volumes for the Capesize and Panamax bulker fleets...

BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK Aug 2011 – Coal trade pace slackening
10 August 2011: Recent news and statistics continue to highlight positive factors affecting dry bulk trades.

CAP to expand Atacama port facilities
10 August 2011: The Pacific Steel Company (CAP) is to invest $70 million in expanding the port at Punta Totorlillo in the Atacama region of Chile...

Caterpillar announces new parts distribution centre in Washington
10 August 2011: Building on the strengths of its renowned global service parts distribution network, Caterpillar Logistics Services, Inc. (Cat Logistics), a wholly owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc. in June announced plans to open a ...

Charlatte heavy lift traffic: a vote of confidence in the Port of Le Havre
10 August 2011: On Friday 17 June 2011, a 40-tonne hydro-pneumatic tank was unloaded in Le Havre — the Western Europe major seaport — on behalf of the Charlatte company...

Coal & iron ore terminals and facilities
10 August 2011: Over the years EMO has acquired a strong position in the dry bulk market servicing power plants and the steel industry in North-Western Europe...

ContiTech strengthens its presence in Australia
10 August 2011: ContiTech is further expanding its global activities in the mining and raw materials industry. The company’s conveyor belt business unit, ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group...

Dry bulk handling in South Africa
10 August 2011: Since posting strong growth in bulk exports during 2009 and 2010 South African volumes look set to show only moderate growth in 2011 with 3.8%, however this is more or less in line with global growth in dry bulk exports for 2011 estimated to be around 4%...

EBHI forced to slow down expansion
10 August 2011: The recession has forced the European Bulk Handling Installation (EBHI) in the northern Spanish port of Gijon to slow down investment...

Efficient iron ore transloading from Cargotec
10 August 2011: Through its Marine Selfunloaders business line, Cargotec offers a range of MacGregor dry bulk cargo handling systems for self-unloading ships transporting a broad range of dry bulk materials...

Going ‘green’ with Long Beach and Los Angeles
10 August 2011: The Long Beach and Los Angeles Boards of Harbor Commissioners met jointly for a special workshop in early July, to identify opportunities to move forward with a demonstration of zero-emission technologies in the neighbouring ports.

Growing steel demand is good news for iron ore
10 August 2011: It goes without saying, but iron ore demand is all about the steel industry, writes Michael King. Total world steel production last year according to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 1,413.5mt (million tonnes), up from 1,230.9mt a year earlier...

Hempel signs conversion contract with Vale
10 August 2011: Hempel recently signed a contract with Brazilian mining giant Vale, the world’s largest iron ore producer, to supply coatings for a five-vessel conversion project...

Hitachi ZW wheel loaders gain market share in Norway
10 August 2011: The official Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV (HCME) dealer in Norway, Nasta AS, has gained a 10% share of the 100–350hp segment of the country’s highly competitive wheel loader market.

Hwy H2O & Canada bulk handling activities in this busy area
10 August 2011: Highway H2O is a 3,700km marine highway that offers shippers direct access to the commercial, industrial and agricultural heartland of North America. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the head of the Great Lakes, in the heart of North America...

Investment in newbuild southern Chilean port
10 August 2011: The Chilean companies of Angelini,Von Appen and Minera Isla Riesco are investing $530 million in a new production facility in southern Chile that should commence production in 2013...

Market changes push petcoke to different locations
10 August 2011: Petroleum coke prices plummeted in late 2008/early 2009 due to the worldwide recession, but rallied later in 2009 and throughout most of 2010.

Martin Engineering finalizes plans for new larger facility in China
10 August 2011: Martin Engineering, a major supplier of conveyor technology and bulk materials handling equipment has announced final plans for a new 10,000m2 (107,600ft2) facility...

New reclaimer for Heidelberg in Africa
10 August 2011: In May 2011 Chengdu Design & Research Institute of Building Materials Industry, awarded Bedeschi a contract to supply one BEL F 160/19 clay reclaimer.

QMASTOR’s PortVu Software contracted by Canada’s largest coal terminal
10 August 2011: QMASTOR has been awarded a major contract with Canada’s largest export coal terminal...

Russia expects to reprise grain exporting role
10 August 2011: Russia expects to reprise its role as a leading grain exporter this season thanks to a good harvest after last year’s severe drought forced it to impose an export embargo, Agriculture MinisterYelena Skrynnik said.

Sampling, inspection & quality control
10 August 2011: Sampling of coal is an important part of the process control in a coal preparation part, as well as elsewhere in the bulk handling process...

Santos to improve sugar handling
10 August 2011: The Port of Santos in Brazil is spending $824 million on increasing its capacity to handle dry bulk traffic.

Scrap specialist selects Terex Fuchs as sole supply partner
10 August 2011: When it comes to recycling iron and non-ferrous metals in the Baltic,TOLMETS is the first port of call. The company, based in the Latvian capital of Riga...

Ship unloading the mechanical way – mechanical ship unloaders, including grabs
10 August 2011: A notable supplier of mechanical ship unloaders, GOLFETTO SANGATI SpA (GS) is a new member of the PAVAN Group, after the complete acquisition of the GBS Group SpA (founded in 2000 by the merger of three important names as Golfetto, Berga and Sangati)...

Strikers at BHP’s Australian coal mines may pile on the pressure
10 August 2011: Thousands of striking workers at BHP Billiton Ltd.’s (BHP) metallurgical coal mines in northeastern Australia may step up work stoppages and are looking at other options to put pressure...

Terex Fuchs achieves milestone with handover of 2,000th MHL340
10 August 2011: One of the international recycling industry’s favourite machines has just passed a remarkable milestone. At a special celebratory event, the 2,000th MHL340...

Port of San Francisco’s Pier 80 Welcomes Freighter Carrying Wind Turbines
04 August 2011: The Port of San Francisco’s Pier 80 Omni Terminal welcomed the M/V Star Hansa carrying wind turbine components for San Leandro, California-based Halus Power Systems.

Global economic indicators paint a worrying picture for ship finance
21 July 2011: Vessel earnings and values remain depressed, while options for raising new funds for investment or refinancing are limited...

Jumbo Offshore heavy lifter used to transport major structures
08 July 2011: In June 2011, Jumbo’s DP2 Offshore Heavy Lift Vessel Fairplayer installed four subsea protection structures for production flowlines at 600m water depth in the Laggan & Tormore fields in the UK...

Möllers shows its wares at ‘interpack’
08 July 2011: In May this year, Maschinenfabrik Möllers took advantage of the ‘interpack’ exhibition in Düsseldorf to showcase one of its latest innovations...

Australia regional report 2011 - coastal freight rates threaten domestic shipping
07 July 2011: Movements of bulk cargoes along the Australian coast services are threatened by proposed new regulations governing domestic shipping...

Braemar market insight: dry bulk fleet supply
07 July 2011: This year is already a record year for dry bulk carrier demolition. In January to May 2011, 13.6m dwt of bulkers have been scrapped, including 7.1m dwt of Capesize (over 120k dwt) bulkers...

Bulk by rail & barge ensuring you have the right equipment
07 July 2011: Flexibility is a keyword in modern bulk handling. Ports and terminals have reorganized themselves over the past few years to become specialized service facilities...

Bulk cargo handler blankets dust at the Port of Veracruz
07 July 2011: A high-efficiency stevedoring and bulk cargo distribution centre in Mexico has specified a powerful dust suppression technology to maximize productivity and minimize water usage, while protecting workers...

Cargo by rail and barge – cost-efficiency combines with environmental protection
07 July 2011: The inland transportation of cargo by barge and rail offers many advantages, not the least of which is the much-reduced impact on the environment, a factor that is of growing importance in today’s market where environmental...

Class NK to the fore on nickel ore
07 July 2011: One leading classification society has backed other bulk shipping stakeholders by taking action to increase awareness of the harrowing consequences of loading nickel ore...

ClassNK takes top spot at Seatrade Asia Awards
07 July 2011: ClassNK was named the best classification society in Asia again in June this year when it received the ‘Classification Society Award’ at the Seatrade Asia Awards held in Hong Kong...

Conveyor retrofit improves material transfers
07 July 2011: Efficient material flow is a critical element of dry bulk handling, and fugitive material accumulation can have a significant effect on a plant’s profitability...

Graig to manage Chinese-owned vessel
07 July 2011: Cardiff-based Graig Ship Management Limited has taken delivery of the 79,600dwt bulk carrier King Peace, for which it is providing full technical management and crewing on behalf of Shanghai-based Zhong An Shipping...

Greening of Polish Register of Shipping
07 July 2011: For many years Polish Register of Shipping (PRS) has been involved in the development of standards for ship safety and marine environment protection, collaborating with the Polish Maritime Administration and the Polish Port State Control (PSC)...

How not to lose weight - Gottwald’s new verifiable weighing system for harbour cranes
07 July 2011: Gottwald’s weighing system is verifiable for legal metrology, which makes it possible to determine the weight of bulk materials for commercial use and enables fast...

Intercargo publishes report benchmarking bulk carriers
07 July 2011: On 20 June 2011, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (Intercargo) launched the latest edition of its annual publication, Benchmarking Bulk Carriers 2010–11...

Latest cargo hold coating improves customer choice
07 July 2011: International Paint has introduced Intergard®7020, a new dedicated cargo hold coating for all bulk carrier types. Specially designed for operators who don’t need or cannot justify...

Liberia issues first Maritime Labour Convention certificate
07 July 2011: The Liberian Registry has carried out the first ship inspection for compliance with the ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC), ahead of its entry into force...

New developments and improvements from KABELSCHLEPP
07 July 2011: One plus one equals more than two. More, just like the balance sheet after a year of collaboration between KABELSCHLEPP and the Tsubaki Group...

Project SecureSeas examines security for Europe
07 July 2011: Sentinel Maritime has been appointed by the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport to study the impact (including the financial consequences)...

The hidden cost of piracy
07 July 2011: The shipping industry and its customers are suffering ever rising costs because of piracy. Michael King discovers that insurance hikes are becoming an additional burden...

Beco Boforce booms sold to Abu Dhabi customer
06 July 2011: Beco Boforce has manufactured three triple booms for a customer from Abu Dhabi. The booms, which each have a reach of 21m, have been designed to be mounted onto a CAT 390 D L machine...

Choosing the right hazard monitoring system
06 July 2011: When 4B introduced its Watchdog Elite bucket elevator monitoring system in the early 1980s, it was the first to offer a system on the market that could monitor a complete bucket elevator or conveyor system. No more need to monitor different hazards separately...

Demag Cranes supplies MHCs to Canada to handle bulk
06 July 2011: Demag Cranes has received an order to supply two mobile harbour cranes (MHCs) to Canada. The two identical machines are four-rope grab cranes for professional bulk handling...

Global bauxite and alumina trends
06 July 2011: The historical practice of deriving the price of white powdery chemical fed into aluminium smelter from the LME price of the non-ferrous metal is giving way to index-based pricing already in vogue for iron ore...

Growth starts to slow in steel raw materials trade
06 July 2011: After expanding very strongly last year, the steel industry raw materials trades — iron ore and coking coal — are set to grow at much less rapid rates during 2011...

Loibl wins order for two hopper cars from German crane manufacturer
06 July 2011: The Arthur Loibl GmbH has been awarded an order by an internationally operating German crane manufacturer to supply two laterally displaceable hopper cars...

Mersey Ports master plan consultation launched
06 July 2011: In June, Peel Ports Mersey outlined its 20-year vision for growth and future developments, as it set out its proposals in its draft Mersey Ports masterplan...

Metso to supply minerals processing equipment and services to Russian Copper Company
06 July 2011: Metso will supply minerals processing equipment and services to Russian Copper Company ZAO (RMK) for its copper operation in Chelyabinskya region in southwestern Russia...

Metso to supply minerals processing equipment and services to Russian Copper Company
06 July 2011: Metso will supply minerals processing equipment and services to Russian Copper Company ZAO (RMK) for its copper operation in Chelyabinskya region in southwestern Russia...

New Doosan wheel loader: DL420
06 July 2011: Doosan continues to extend and enhance its range of large wheel loaders with the launch of the new DL420, which succeeds and replaces the DL400...

New integrated filter solution for Moduflex loading chutes
06 July 2011: Built-in height is often a problem in existing installations, where the customer wishes to install loading chutes as part of the need for creating a better working environment by keeping the dust to a minimum during the loading process...

New operator for Montoir Coal Terminal
06 July 2011: The European Commission has authorized the takeover of Montoir Coal Terminal by EDF Trading Logistics and Sea-Invest...

Noatum acquires Agemasa
06 July 2011: Noatum Ports (previously known as Dragados-SPL) has acquired a 50% stake in Bilbao-based logistics operator Agemasa through its Marmedsa subsidiary.

North American West Coast ports all fired up again
06 July 2011: The big guns are firing again on among North America’s West Coast ports with impressive major growth seen in 2010.

Port of Liverpool’s new crane proves its worth
06 July 2011: The Port of Liverpool’s new Liebherr harbour mobile crane has earned its spurs by massively reducing the discharge time in its first operational use...

Port of Vancouver USA signs long-term lease
06 July 2011: In the middle of June, the Port of Vancouver USA announced the signing of a long-term lease with Sapa Extrusions, North America’s largest provider of extruded aluminium profiles, for a 142,800ft2 building located at 2001 Kototbuki Way.

Sandvik unveils two new mining cone crushers
06 July 2011: Thanks to their specialized geometries, 1,000 horsepower, greater structural strength and proven technologies, the newly launched CH890 and CH895 mining cone crushers from Sandvik are designed to...

Slow growth in grain trade - BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK - July 2011
06 July 2011: Import demand for dry bulk commodities in many countries is well supported and volumes are rising in a wide range of trades...

Three CFS grabs for India’s Port of Kandla
06 July 2011: Italian grab specialist CFS Srl is supplying three 18m3 mechanical grab buckets to the Port of Kandla in India. These buckets will be used to equip Italgru cranes.

BRAEMAR market insight: Dry Bulk Fleet Supply
22 June 2011: High prices for scrap steel have undoubtedly encouraged scrapping – in some cases, Capesize bulkers have been sold for scrap for over USD 10m this year...

Capesize congestion are having a diluted effect on charter market
22 June 2011: The 140 capesize bulk carriers estimated as waiting to berth at Australian, Brazilian and Chinese ports, equivalent to 11% of the global fleet, are having a "diluted" impact on the charter market compared with two years ago when this number of ships would have sent freight rates rocketing...

Bulk carriers could benefit form surge in cargo demand as China plans boost in electricity
21 June 2011: China is set to step up energy imports over the coming months, during the northern hemisphere summer period, to bridge a widening shortfall in electricity generation, according to government agency....

Chinese coal stocks
21 June 2011: Chinese coal stockpiles are at their lowest levels in a year as high international prices limited import volumes and maintenance to the country's internal coal railway caused disruptions.

Cargotec contributes clean efficient cargo handling to DNV’s Ecore VLOC concept
10 June 2011: DNV has initiated a concept study together with industry partners – FKAB, MAN Diesel & Turbo, TGE Marine and Cargotec – to design a very large ore carrier (VLOC).

Trafigura buys U.S. coal, commodity terminal
09 June 2011: Commodity trader Trafigura [TRAF.UL] said on Friday it was paying Ormet Corp $28 million for the idled Burnside bulk terminal in Louisiana and will invest $100 million to reopen the terminal to handle coal, bauxite and alumina...

A breath of fresh air pneumatic bulk handling systems
07 June 2011: The Buhler business unit Grain Logistics is a major supplier of continuous ship unloaders and shiploaders for the bulk market. The company supplies both mechanical and pneumatic unloaders. The Grain Logistics unit is also a major supplier of storage solutions (silo and flat storage) as well as cleaning, dedusting and conveying components for grain related industries...

Bags of quality getting the lowdown on bags and FIBCs for the bulk handling market
07 June 2011: Since the market introduction of the HAVER ROTOCLASSIC® cement packing machine two years ago, more than 100 units have been sold worldwide so far. Over the 50-year ROTO- PACKER history, HAVER & BOECKER can now look back at 3,500 sold systems. Convinced by the advantages offered by the latest ROTO-PACKER® ...

Bahía Blanca set to handle potassium
07 June 2011: CVRD has just started construction of a new potassium plant and warehouse close to the Argentinian port of Bahi´a Blanca...

Caldera handles iron ore
07 June 2011: Santa Fe Mining has begun using the Chilean port of Caldera to ship iron ore. This comes from the Bellavista plant, which processes ore extracted from the vicinity of Mount Magnet...

Cartagena opens new multi-purpose terminal
07 June 2011: The Colombian port of Cartagena is opening up a new operational area to the south to be known as Puerto Bahi´a. This new terminal will have a 475m-long quay and extend back from the shore to distance of 55m...

Cement trades - global housing growth drives demand
07 June 2011: What has the monsoon got to do with the cement demand in India, the world’s second largest market for the commodity? In fact a lot, since agriculture and allied sectors have a share of 14.2% of the country’s gross domestic product...

Coal terminal in Nacala in Mozambique to be a reality
07 June 2011: Construction is due to begin in July of the coal terminal at the Mozambican port of Nacala on behalf of the local subsidiary of the Brazilian company CVRD...

Construction starts on rock phosphate terminal in Jordan
07 June 2011: Construction of the new phosphate rock terminal in Aqaba is under way, write Abed Salameh, Jan Dekkers and Rene´ van Duijn of Royal Haskoning...

Container terminals set their sights on bulk trades to diversify risks
07 June 2011: Global container port operators will increasingly eye the bulk handling sector as a means of diversifying risk and to take advantage of the brimming growth in world ...

Durable loading hoses from Listenow — ideal for any material or application
07 June 2011: Great strides have been made in the handling of bulk materials of all types. As automation technology develops further, the need for equipment that is both reliable and proven in the field will only increase...

Equinox-class vessel introduction to sustainable shipping on the Great Lakes
07 June 2011: Algoma Central Corporation has not built a new Canadian Laker since 1983, writes Al Vanagas, Senior VP Technical at Algoma Central Corporation. The current Algoma dry bulk laker fleet is composed of a combination of 29 gearless and self unloading ships...

First ‘saltie’ arrives in Duluth-Superior
07 June 2011: The first oceangoing vessel of the 2011 navigation season arrived in the Port of Duluth-Superior on the morning of Monday 11 April this year. The Cyprus-flagged Federal Leda sailed beneath the Duluth Aerial...

Global supply chain - rash of newcomers joins the bulk carrier supply chain and ship operations
07 June 2011: The most high profile of the new entrants is perhaps Brazilian company Vale. As well as being one of the world’s leading mining groups,Vale is already a major operator of logistics infrastructure in Brazil...

Guttridge unveils range of centreless screw conveyors
07 June 2011: Major UK manufacturer of bulk handling equipment Guttridge has added to its extensive portfolio and launched a new range of centreless screw conveyors as a solution for conveying material with difficult characteristics...

Hamilton’s port breeds innovation on the Great Lakes
07 June 2011: Carego Innovative Solutions Inc. is a Hamilton based transportation and logistics leader, with facilities in the Port of Hamilton, Canada, and throughout the surrounding region...

Hard times ahead for the bulk shipping market
07 June 2011: Rocky times will continue for bulk markets with Capesize owners suffering more than most, according to leading analysts...

InterBulk drives forward progress in the cement industry
07 June 2011: With over 30 years of experience, InterBulk Group provides efficient and cost-effective logistical solutions for the transportation of bulk commodities...

Iron ore trade growing - BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK
07 June 2011: During recent weeks there have been further indications of expanding activity in dry bulk commodity trades. Key industries dependent on imported supplies of raw materials...

Montreal leases grain terminal to Viterra
07 June 2011: Viterra Inc has leased the grain terminal at the port of Montre´al from the port authority, which it will now manage. It has a storage capacity of 260,000 tonnes and is linked to both the Canadian National and ...

Rio Grande reports positive Q1 figures
07 June 2011: The Brazilian port of Rio Grande reported having handled 6.32mt (million tonnes) in the first quarter of this year, equivalent to growth of 25% over 2010. This is the best result posted by the port in the last decade for the first quarter...

Rotterdam coal stocks at low levels
07 June 2011: The cutbacks being made in the use of nuclear power have resulted in a run of coal stocks at the port of Rotterdam, which are reported to be at their lowest level since August 2008...

Scandinavia shrugs off the downturn
07 June 2011: Many ports and terminals in Scandinavia seemed to have shrugged off the last remnants of the downturn and are beginning to post positive traffic flows. Some have not been affected at all...

Siwertell unloaders record breaking through-the-ship capacity in Taiwan
07 June 2011: Two Siwertell ship unloaders delivered to the TPC Talin Power Plant, Kaohsiung Taiwan, recently set a record in through-the-ship capacity during commercial discharge of a bulk cargo...

Strong regional support for Techobanine port
07 June 2011: The governments of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana have signed a memorandum of understanding linked to the construction of a deepwater port at Techobanine in the Matutui´ne district of Mozambique, in addition to a connecting railway line.

Terminal Graneles del Norte – a new dry cargo terminal for the north of Chile
07 June 2011: The terminal is part of a 30-year masterplan designed by Complejo Portuario Mejillones (a subsidiary of Codelco, the largest open pit in the world), the purpose of which is to develop a large scale harbour in the Bay of Mejillones to service the requirements of mining producers...

Traffic buzzing in the Mediterranean
07 June 2011: Many ports around the Med took a pasting during the recession, but many of them appear to be bouncing back. The southern Spanish port of Huelva is one of the most important in the Iberian peninsula in respect of dry bulk...

Transporting, handling and storing cement
07 June 2011: Flexible design and a range of solutions allow Cargotec to maintain its position as a supplier of customized, energy-efficient, environmentally friendly cement handling systems...

ContiTech is beefing up its position in China
30 May 2011: ContiTech is beefing up its position in China: On June 1, 2011, the Northeim, Germany-based ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group takes over the conveyor belt operations of Tianjin Xinbinhai Conveyor Belt Co., Ltd., Tianjin...

ECO-Ship 2020: An open hatch bulk carrier of the future
30 May 2011: The ECO-Ship 2020 is an energy-efficient and cost-effective concept design developed to help owners and operators improve commercial performance while lowering fuel costs...

Grab manufacturers seize the day — and the cargo
10 May 2011: NEMAG in the Netherlands is a renowned manufacturer of medium and large to very large mechanical four-rope operated grabs...

‘K’ Line acquires 100% ownership of SAL Group
10 May 2011: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (‘K’ Line) via its European subsidiary company possesses 50% share of SAL Group in 2007, which engages in heavy lift transportation headquartered in Germany...

Castrol Academy recognized by Det Norske Veritas
10 May 2011: Castrol Marine’s Castrol Academy, the training tool comprising eleven technical modules, has now been recognized by the Norwegian classification society Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

DNV guide to help operators make significant fuel savings
10 May 2011: With bunker costs passing $600/tonne, classification society DNV has unveiled a new guide which it claims will help operators make 5–10% savings on fuel.

Indian coal importers to benefit from new WSS concept
10 May 2011: With an estimated 142mt (million tonnes) shortfall in coal imports predicted in India in 2011–13, bulk shipping companies are planning a massive increase in their capacity to deliver to Indian ports.

Japan crude steel output falls less than expected
10 May 2011: Japan’s crude steel output fell a smaller-than-expected 2.7% in March from a year earlier as strong overseas demand offset the impact of the devastating earthquake and tsunami, the steel industry association has said...

Malt weigher replacement completed
10 May 2011: Chronos BTH has been working with one of Britain’s few remaining family breweries, Joseph Holt Ltd to update its malt intake weighing system.

Self-unloading vessels and transshipment
10 May 2011: Cargotec’s MacGregor gravity self-unloading systems benefit from development built on proven technology and decades of experience. New elements deliver faster...

South America represents fertile sales region for VIGAN
10 May 2011: Grains handling specialist VIGAN has been very active in Central and South America for many years, with much of its equipment sold to the region.

Volvo Construction Equipment wins prestigious red dot design award
10 May 2011: Volvo Construction Equipment’s L220G wheel loader beat thousands of international products to win a red dot product design award 2011 — a globally-recognized mark for industrial design quality.

Yard work: stackers, reclaimers and other stockyard equipment
10 May 2011: he TAIM WESER group will be responsible for the design, manufacture, supply and start-up of the conveyor belt system and stockyard machinery for the new Porto Sudeste Port Terminal to be built in Itaguai´ (Brazil) by LLX, a logistics company belonging to the EBX group...

Asian agribulk countries must work together to significantly increase food production
09 May 2011: Food has moved onto the centre stage of global concern. As the world has been rocked by food price inflation for the second time in three years, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who this year is heading the Group of 20, wants food to be accorded top policy priority...

Asian coal trade 2011
09 May 2011: The Asian coal industry has had a very eventful start to 2011 with natural phenomena impacting producers and consumers alike, from the earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand...

Beira to become major coal outlet terminal
09 May 2011: The government of Mozambique is planning the construction of a new coal terminal at the port of Beira capable of handling 18mt (million tonnes) to 24mt per year...

IGC anticipates continued grain deficit in the year to come
09 May 2011: Grains experts have dashed hopes for any recovery in world grain inventories next season, lifting forecasts for consumption at a time when weather is threatening crops in many major producing nations...

Mega-carrier calls at Sohar in Oman
09 May 2011: The Omani port of Sohar has received a call from one of the largest bulk carriers ever to call there.

Minerals quay for Callao in Peru
09 May 2011: Construction of the new Minerals Quay at the Peruvian port of Callao will begin by the end of the second quarter this year.

Mundra considering Abbot Point lease
09 May 2011: Mormugao Port Trust has revealed that there have been 14 bids entered for the $162 million iron ore export terminal. This will be established on the West breakwater as part of a public-private partnership deal.

New Liebherr LHM 420 mobile harbour crane
09 May 2011: Liebherr is again expanding its range of mobile harbour cranes and is taking the opportunity of the TOC Europe 2011 (7–9 June 2011) exhibition to present the new model LHM 420...

Oakajee Australia development on hold
09 May 2011: A nine-month extension has been granted to Mitsubishi Corporation and Murchison Metals Ltd while they decide whether or not to build an iron ore rail and port development in Western Australia.

Port of Antwerp enjoys successful start to the year
09 May 2011: The port of Antwerp handled 47,374,451 tonnes of freight in the first three months of this year, up 12.7% on the same period in 2010.

Ports American wins top West Coast PMA Safety Awards
09 May 2011: At the Pacific Maritime Association’s 62nd Annual Safety Awards Banquets held at various locations on the US West Coast, Ports America was honoured with numerous awards for its...

Russia to recommence grain exports
09 May 2011: According to the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Russia is to resume grain exports as soon as possible.

SLP adds warehouse at Port of Bilbao
09 May 2011: Bilbao-based stevedoring company SLP has begun construction of a 5,000m2 dry bulk warehouse in the city’s port. It is located on the Adosado Quay, where the company has a 42,000m2 operating area.

South America’s growing soya exports
09 May 2011: Another good year for South America’s grain and soya exports is predicted.The 2011 total may increase slightly from last year, when very strong expansion was seen, more than reversing the sharp downturn ocurring in the previous twelve months...

South East Asian ports & terminals
09 May 2011: In India, several new dry bulk terminal projects have emerged at ports on both the east and west coasts...

Steam coal import demand growing - BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK June 2011
09 May 2011: Signs pointing to dry bulk trade growth are still prominent. Despite temporary adverse effects from recent events in Japan, global import demand for many commodities continues to increase...

TGN start up in Mejillones
09 May 2011: Following 20 months of construction,Terminal Graneles del Norte (TGN) has begun operations at its new terminal, which forms part of the second phase development of the Mejillones Port Complex...

Rising bioful demand to boost shortsea bulk sector
13 April 2011: The portcentric business model has so far been primarily applid to the container business, and in particular the way container transport supports UK high street retailers and their customers. But it also had applications for the liquid and dry bulk...

Bulk carrier supply side conundrumpicture given that China’s import volume continued to grow due to a government-led domestic expansion programme on the back of low commodity prices which actually mai
12 April 2011: The cyclical nature of bulk shipping is part and parcel of the constant supply and demand equation which faces the industry...

Conveyors - getting carried away in the bulk industry
12 April 2011: Recently there has been a trend towards long conveyor systems with high-capacity single flights, writes Ulf Richter, Diplom-Ingenieur (TU) Elektrotechnik, Global Portfolio Manager of Conveyor Systems at ABB Automation GmbH in Germany...

Demag Cranes acquires British IT company DB Controls
12 April 2011: Through its Dutch IT subsidiary TBA, Demag Cranes has acquired the British company DB Controls, based in Doncaster (South Yorkshire, UK)...

Handling grain in the dry cargo chain
12 April 2011: All over the world grain is counted as one of our most valuable staple foodstuffs, write Hans-Dietrich Greth and Michael Heimisch...

Largest vibratory classifier separates at up to 77tph
12 April 2011: AnewVibroscreen® high capacity, two-deck classifier said to be the industry’s largest, separates up to 77 tonnes per hour of bulk solids into three fractions...

London Club issues warning on fire-fighting preparedness
12 April 2011: THE London P&I Club says the response to two recent onboard cargo fires has highlighted the value of both fire-fighting training and realistic shipboard drills for ships’ crews.

Pneumatic conveying equipment from Mactenn Systems
12 April 2011: Mactenn Systems designs and engineers dense-phase pneumatic conveying equipment for use in applications across many different divisions of industry...

Safety at sea - trying to minimize risk in the dry bulk shipping sector
12 April 2011: Cargo liquefaction remains uppermost in the thoughts of all those trying to improve the safety record of the bulk carrier fleet...

SAMMI building for the future
12 April 2011: Italian manufacturer Sammi offers a wide range of equipment for the bulk handling industry. The company’s slogan is ‘Sammi, building for the future’, and the structure of the company reflects this focus...

Siwertell screw conveyors, the flexible choice
12 April 2011: For dry bulk material handling, Cargotec offers well-proven, high-capacity, efficient and environmentally friendly systems under the brand name Siwertell...

Steel market - looking forward to an optimistic future
12 April 2011: The world steel industry has left bad times behind, writes Kunal Bose in New Delhi. In step with the global recovery from a recession found to be similar in its impact to the Great Depression of the 1930s...

United Kingdom - bulk handling news bulk handling news
12 April 2011: Gottwald Port Technology has delivered a sixth heavy-duty mobile harbour crane to The Port of Southampton. The latest crane, a G HMK 6407 B, was purchased by Associated British Ports and is the latest investment in the development of its bulk terminal...

Vollert: innovative, reliable shunting systems solutions for the Port of Hamburg
12 April 2011: Hansaport, bulk terminal operator at the Port of Hamburg, Germany’s largest seaport terminal for bulk cargo, is bringing in two new shunting robots from Vollert for the loading of coal and iron ore...

WSS’s redefined concept to benefit Indian coal importers
12 April 2011: With an estimated 142mt (million tonne) shortfall in coal imports predicted in India in 2011–13, bulk shipping companies are planning a massive increase in their capacity to deliver to Indian ports...

A positive outlook for China’s dry bulk imports
11 April 2011: Dry bulk imports into China in 2010 exceeded 900mt (million tonnes), comprising about 27% of world seaborne dry bulk commodity trade.

Antonina handles new fertilizer traffic
11 April 2011: The port of Antonina in Brazil has begun to receive consignments of raw materials needed for the production of fertilizer...

Associated Grain Terminals completes MGMT upgrade
11 April 2011: Associated Grain Terminals adheres to the following quality philosophy: the MGMT (Myrtle Grove Midstream Terminal) will meet customer and organizational requirements by employing quality people and training them to commit to...

Baltic ports & terminals - recovery in sight as traffic levels rise
11 April 2011: Many dry bulk terminals in the Baltic Sea region saw traffic badly hit by the recession. However, things now appear to be returning to normal, with many terminals now targeting new traffic flows....

Cabedelo set to handle granite traffic
11 April 2011: The Brazilian port of Cabedelo has begun to handle export granite blocks once again, having suspended such traffic in 2008...

Dry bulk trade growth ahead – BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK – March 2011
11 April 2011: Global seaborne dry bulk trade probably will continue expanding during 2011. Import demand for many commodities related to industrial output is likely to be bolstered by economic growth trends.

Global grain trades Global grain trades
11 April 2011: Tight grain supplies, surging oil and commodity prices pose a threat to world food security. With the world economy continuing to recover, the International...

Itajaí handling steel coils from São Francisco
11 April 2011: Excessive demand at the Brazilian port of São Francisco do Sul has resulted in the Norsul shipping line diverting some of its vessels carrying steel coils to Itajaí. São Francisco do Sul is experiencing a record year, expecting to handle 10mt...

Mozambique coking coal the last frontier
11 April 2011: After the shocks of the credit crisis in late 2008, the global coking coal trade declined by 5.4% as a result of reduced steel production in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) economies.

MPX investing in Colombia
11 April 2011: The Brazilian company MPX is concentrating investment on two open cast coal mines in Colombia, at Cañaverales and Papayal, as well as undertaking studies to construct a loading port for minerals at Dibulla. Coal production will begin in 2012, with output reaching 15mt...

Nacala rail link opens in southern Africa
11 April 2011: The Chipata-Mchinji railway has opened in southern Africa, providing the shortest route to the port of Nacala on the Indian Ocean...

New Lázaro Cárdenas minerals terminal
11 April 2011: Terminales Portuarías del Pacifico began construction in November last year of a new minerals terminal in the Mexican port of Lázaro Cárdenas, requiring investment of $50 million.

Port logistics - facing the differing challenges posed by dry bulk, breakbulk and project cargo
11 April 2011:

Port of Sept-Îles enjoys best results in 30 years and celebrates winning two awards
11 April 2011: In mid-January this year, the Port of Sept-Îles announced the initial observations from an exceptional year in its history. In addition to registering the highest business volume in 30 years with 25.1mt (million tonnes) handled, compared with 19.8mt in...

Quelimane to handle tantalum shipments?
11 April 2011: The Noventa mining company, which has a concession to work the Marropino mines in Mozambique, is looking into the possibility of shipping consignments of tantalum via the port of Quelimane...

Richardson International Limited realizes best year ever in Hamilton
11 April 2011:

Rio Grande refurbishes floating crane
11 April 2011: The Brazilian port of Rio Grande has resumed operations with floating cranes. The 100-tonne Cábrea Acre floating crane was given a complete refurbishment to return it to its original condition...

Rio Tinto ‘upping’ its Dampier investment
11 April 2011: Rio Tinto has announced investment of $230 million in the Australian Port of Dampier. This will be used to increase shiploading capacity and also upgrade the amount of iron ore brought in by rail...

Savage natural disaster devastates Japan
11 April 2011: The savage earthquake and tsunami and growing nuclear crisis, which hit Japan, has caused a trail of destruction, not seen since World War II, where tens of thousands of people are thought to have lost their lives.

Three new Peruvian minerals terminals planned
11 April 2011: Peru is to build three terminals dedicated to minerals traffic at the ports of San Juan Marcona, Matarani and Callao, investing a total of $370 million...

CSL acquires Jebsens self unloader business
25 March 2011: The CSL Group Inc. and Kristian Jebsens Rederi AS (KJR) announced today that CSL has acquired the assets and associated contracts of Jebsens’ belted self-unloader business.

Agents of change - how ships’ agents can effect positive change in the bulk transport chain
23 March 2011: The global economic downturn last year put pressure on supply chain costs across the globe and in every sphere of international trade, from the container and general cargo trades to the energy sector and, of course, the bulk shipping business.

New universal primer from International range meets all requirements
23 March 2011: A new range of universal primers for the newbuilding market is being introduced to address the productivity, regulatory, performance and commercial needs of shipyards and ship owners alike — wherever they are...

Transshipment and offshore stevedoring - these markets are thriving despite the economic downturn
23 March 2011: After what promised to be a disastrous 2009, most suppliers to the dry bulk industry were surprised by just how quickly global demand for commodities recovered in the second quarter, writes Michael King. Indeed, coal and iron ore exporters saw demand far surpass expectations helped by China’s rapid recovery and generous economic stimulus package...

Unload Thyself - Self-unloading vessels and Self-unloading vessels and technology
23 March 2011: A second MacGREGOR self-unloading system from Cargotec for the Gypsum Transportation company is now fully operational and offers a discharge capacity of 3,000tph...

At the coal face equipment to handle and store coal
22 March 2011: The B&W SAMSONTM surface feeder goes underground to receive coal from hopper bottom rail trucks, providing an economical alternative to traditional deep pits...

Brazilian company to build Chilean port
22 March 2011: OMX, which is part of Brazil’s EBX group, has received the concession from the Chilean government to build a port in the city of Copiapó in the country’s Northern region.

Brazilians to export Colombian coal
22 March 2011: The Brazilian company MPX Energia has confirmed a potential to export 110 million tonnes of thermal coal from the La Guajira region in Colombia.

Cavotec Connectors continues steady expansion with new premises in southern Sweden
22 March 2011: Heavy-duty electrical power connector and power unit manufacturer, Cavotec Connectors, continues its solid growth with the opening of new premises in Staffanstorp, southern Sweden.

Dry bulk buckets and grabs from CFS Handling
22 March 2011: CFS Handling manufactures buckets and grabs, and has been in business for more than 30 years.

Green dry bulk shoots in Latin America
22 March 2011: According to the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Commission (CEPAL) demand for dry bulk has declined during the last few years in that region.

Liebherr’s mobile harbour cranes undaunted by volatile market
22 March 2011: In a highly volatile business environment, Liebherr’s Mobile Harbour Crane Division delivered satisfactory operational performance.

Major profits boost for Rio Tinto
22 March 2011: Global mining giant Rio Tinto saw its profits increase by 33% in 2009 despite large losses in its aluminium division and a dramatic decrease in commodity prices.

Mejillones-Angamos to boost capacity
22 March 2011: The Northern Chilean port complex of Mejillones and Angamos is receiving investment of $115 million from Ultramar, the Belfí construction company and Inversiones Portuarías Norte Grande.

More support for coking coal trade - BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK Feb 2011
22 March 2011: In many countries around the world, import demand for dry bulk commodities is expected to strengthen over the next 12 months. Raw materials and other industrial...

Negrini’s experience translates into performance and quality
22 March 2011: It’s a well known fact that any good machine, be it cable crane or hydraulic excavator, will perform at its best only if the attachment used to work is well engineered and manufactured.

New mines planned for Brazil as China’s need for ore set to double
22 March 2011: With China soon to be importing 1.3 billion tonnes of iron ore each year, twice as much as at present, mining companies in Brazil are preparing to share in the bonanza.

Penco to handle coal for Chile
22 March 2011: In Chile, Muelles de Penco has been granted approval to offer its services to a planned coal-fired power station.

PM Grabs meet green standards and help safeguard the environment
22 March 2011: Environmental protection has been central to the design of New Zealand firm PM Grabs’ latest range of bulk discharge grabs, and their features are setting the standard for minimal environmental impact in the industry.

Queues at the Port of Newcastle approach pre-crisis levels
22 March 2011: The queue of ships at major Australian coal port, Newcastle, is near its longest level since 2007, before the financial crisis, and waiting times are at a one-year record. Just before Christmas last year, a peak of 60 vessels waiting was reached, a figure almost matched at the end of January this year when 58 ships had to queue.

Rice prices fall in Pakistan
22 March 2011: Prices of rice in Pakistan have witnessed 3% to 6% drops due to a decrease in international demand and the presence of plentiful stock of rice in Africa.

Riga to have fertilizer terminal
22 March 2011: One of Russia’s leading fertilizer producers, Uralchem, has put together a joint-venture with Riga Commercial Port, which is known as Riga Fertiliser Terminal.

Russia opens fertilizer port in the Strait of Kerch
22 March 2011: Russia’s latest port, Taman, which is located in the Strait of Kerch, has been officially opened, following the legal setting of its boundaries.

Sugar terminal for Brazil’s Port of Suape
22 March 2011: The Brazilian port of Suape is to have a $40 million sugar terminal covering an area of 70,000 square metres in the port’s industrial zone.

Ust-Luga sells shares
22 March 2011: The management company of the Russian Baltic port of Ust-Luga is to sell its shares to Lichtenstein-based organization, Investport Holding Establishment.

World coal trade 2009 - Tim Jones
22 March 2011: It won’t be for the first time that the phrase “what a difference a year makes” has been used when considering the international coal industry.

Japanese earthquake could cost $3.4 billion a day in lost seaborne trade
15 March 2011: The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that devastated the north of Japan killing more than 10,000 people on Friday, could cost the country more than $3.4 billion a day in lost seaborne trade.

China and India will diversify risk to coal supply exposure
09 March 2011: Indonesia always had the problem of getting its thermal coal supply down narrow rivers and over rugged under-built terrain...

Contract for development from Siemens VAI
09 March 2011: In January 2011 HEM was awarded a development contract from Siemens VAI. This customer in Austria has contracted HEM to conduct a wide variety of studies on the pelletisation of iron oxides.

Dry bulk owners will be forced to scrap ships
09 March 2011: Global fleet overcapacity was heightened in January with flood-related disruptions at coal export ports on the east coast of Australia and maintenance...

More buncruptcies expected in Dry Bulk sector
09 March 2011: Publicly traded dry bulk companies face risks of foreclosures and bankruptcies that are far worse than those faced at the peak of the crisis in 2008, Dahlman Rose has warned.

New iron ore production record for Rio Tinto in 2010
09 March 2011: Recovering Asian demand for iron ore helped Rio Tinto set new production records in 2010 with fourth-quarter output at 65m tonnes.

Contracters turn to rentals for affordable dust supression
23 February 2011: At a time when contractors and bulk material handlers are finding capital equipment budgets squeezed to their limits, many companies requiring high-performance dust suppression are turning to rental options to obtain the equipment they need...

The TAIM WESER group is to supply transport systems and stockyard machinery to "Porto Sudeste", The LLX project in Brazil
23 February 2011: he TAIM WESER group has been chosen by LLX, the logistics company of the EBX group, to design, manufacture, supply and implement transport systems and iron ore stockyard machinery for the new project of the Brazilian group...

Clarkson' Dry Bulk Trade outlook - January 2011
22 February 2011: The outlook for global seaborne iron ore trade in 2011 is broadly positive, with imports expected to increase by 6% year-over-year....

QMASTER announces record half revenue
16 February 2011: QMASTOR Limited issued an operations and guidance update following the publishing of the Company’s half year results and progress on major projects.

Cargotec supplies proven cement handling systems for Malaysian barges
14 February 2011: At the end of January Cargotec received an order for MacGregor cement self-loading/unloading systems to be installed on two 7,000 dwt barges being built by Shin Yang Shipyard in Miri, Malaysia.

Seagull introduces IMSBC Code training module
14 February 2011: Seagull AS, the leading provider of computer based training (CBT) for seafarers, has introduced a new module that incorporates the regulatory changes made ...

Demag Cranes receives order for Mobile Harbour Crane from Chile
02 February 2011: Gottwald Port Technology GmbH (Gottwald), a subsidiary of Demag Cranes AG, has been awarded a contract to supply a G HMK 8410 Mobile Harbour Crane to Puerto Angamos, Mejillones, Chile.

Bedeschi designs ‘Mara’ transshipper
01 February 2011: Bedeschi Company, which specializes in the supply of material handling equipment, has designed a new transshipper for the continuous loading of bulk materials such as coal and iron ore into ocean vessels up to Capesize in deep water anchorage...

Crew expenses major factor in operating costs
01 February 2011: Crew expenses the big factor as ship operating costs are set to rise over the next two years. Vessel operating costs are expected to rise by 3.2% in...

Dry bulk shipping forecast – what the market holds for 2011
01 February 2011: Despite strong forecast demand the huge bulk carrier orderbook looks set to plunge freight rates lower next year...

Intercargo warns of risks carrying nickel ore
01 February 2011: In November last year, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (Intercargo) alerted the owners and operators of bulk carriers to the continued dangers of liquefaction associated with the carriage of nickel concentrate (nickel ore) cargoes.

Korea Line Files for Receivership as Bulk Rates Fall
01 February 2011: Korea Line Corp., South Korea’s second-largest operator of dry-bulk ships, filed for receivership after a global oversupply of vessels caused rates to tumble to the lowest in almost two years.

Liebherr-Werk Nenzing / Mobile Harbour Crane Department Review 2010
01 February 2011: Increasing positive signs from the industry give reason to believe the economic crisis is part of the past...

Major project cargo operation goes smoothly at Duluth
01 February 2011: The month of November last year marked a milestone in project cargo movement at the head of the Great Lakes as crews handled the heaviest Canadian Pacific (CP) direct, single-line rail move from the Port of Duluth-Superior to western Canada...

MOL and Vale sign long-term transport contract for two VLOCs
01 February 2011: On 24 November last year, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd (MOL) announced the signing of a long-term transport contract with Vale international SA, a subsidiary of Vale S.A. for two very large ore carriers (VLOCs) on November 18...

01 February 2011: A global leader in large-scale dust suppression technology has announced another breakthrough in coverage area, now able to blanket more than 125,000 square feet with a powerful dust-trapping mist from a single machine -- more than 2-1/2 football fields...

New Year heralds safer shipping of bulk cargo
01 February 2011: A new regulatory era that promises safer bulk cargo handling standards dawned on New Year 2011...

Overall costs continue to rise for bulk carrier owners and operators
01 February 2011: Bulk carrier owners bulk carrier operating costs continue to rise in 2011 even as freight rates fall (see page 105), squeezing the bottom lines of those without adequate charter coverage in place...

Shipping industry updates flag state performance table
01 February 2011: The Round Table of international shipping associations (BIMCO, International Chamber of Shipping/International Shipping Federation, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO) has published its latest ‘Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table’.

Three new terminals open at Ennore Port
01 February 2011: The Port of Ennore near Chennai, India have announced the opening of three new terminals for the distribution of coal, iron ore and cars...

VIKING UK adds new marine fire service division
01 February 2011: Global marine and fire safety equipment manufacturer VIKING Life-Saving Equipment has announced the expansion of its global fire servicing network with a new marine fire service division in the United Kingdom...

4B unveils new heavy-duty elevator bucket
31 January 2011: 4B has announced the introduction of its new heavy duty Atlas AM Nyrim elevator bucket. Thanks to its antistatic material, the Atlas AM bucket has excellent surface resistivity dissipating properties...

A brighter grain and soya trade outlook
31 January 2011: Around the world, signs of additional import demand for grain and soya are becoming more prominent. A wide range of buyers including China, Russia, European countries and North Africa need increased quantities.

Antonina aims to attract bulk overspill traffic
31 January 2011: The Brazilian port of Antonina in the state of Paraná is to give berthing priority to vessels carrying sugar and fertilizer...

Arthur Loibl celebrates 50 years in business
31 January 2011: In 1960, graduate engineer Arthur Loibl founded the company ‘Maschinenfabrik und Förderanlagen Arthur Loibl’ in Straubing, Germany...

Australia’s Newcastle sources expansion finance
31 January 2011: Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group, which is partly owned by BHP Billiton, has secured the $824 million finance it needs to expand its terminal operations...

B&W delivers first new-design ‘high efficiency’ Mobile Eco Hopper
31 January 2011: Renowned supplier of mobile port loading and unloading equipment B&W Mechanical Handling Limited has delivered the first of its new, patented design, port-side mobile unloading Eco Hoppers...

B&W wins South American shiploader contract
31 January 2011: UK Company B&W Mechanical Handling Limited, based in Ely, Cambridgeshire, has recently commissioned its second major project in South America within the last 18 months...

Barranquilla increases dry bulk handling ability
31 January 2011: Barranquilla Regional Port Company in Colombia recently introduced a new system for the discharge of dry bulk, costing approximately $8 million...

Bulk handling operations in the US Gulf region
31 January 2011: AEP River Operations is a major provider of barge transportation services in the USA...

Bulk trade continues growing - BULK CARRIER TRADE & FLEET OUTLOOK January 2011
31 January 2011: Dry bulk trade has rebounded strongly over the past year, after the setback seen in the previous twelve months. Some estimates suggest that growth in...

Bumper harvest for Bristol Port in the UK
31 January 2011: The UK’s Bristol Port Company enjoyed a record month for grain exports in November last year, loading 38,000 tonnes of wheat and 31,500 tonnes of barley in quick succession.

Cargotec delivers bulk transloading equipment to India
31 January 2011: In August last year (2010), Indian bulk export specialists, M/s. VM Salgaocar & Bros. Pvt. Ltd signed an agreement with Cargotec for the supply of a range of MacGregor transloading...

Chinese revamp Cabello in Venezuela
31 January 2011: The government of Venezuela has secured $600 million of funding from China to refurbish its main port of Cabello. Work will be undertaken by China Harbour Engineering Company...

Cong Thanh Cement orders first HAVER ROTOCLASSIC® for Vietnam
31 January 2011:

Cong Thanh Cement orders first HAVER ROTOCLASSIC® for Vietnam
31 January 2011: The Vietnamese market demands progressive, high-performance, compact, and easy to maintain technologies. This is reflected by a recent order for four ROTOCLASSIC® 8 RCC packing...

East Asian economic and trade survey 2010
31 January 2011: Last year’s report discussed the arrival of the world’s worst recession since 1929. DCi tried to explain the key causes and how serious it might become, and the likely effects on East Asian countries...

E-Crane cuts unloading time by 50%
31 January 2011: PowerSouth Energy Cooperative has upgraded its Lowman Power Plant on the Tombigbee River near Leroy, Alabama for flue gas desulphurization (FGD) and other quality improvements, including a new barge unloader...

Freight flowing freely on the Little Danube
31 January 2011: At the heart of Europe, where the west of the continent meets the east, lies Györ, one of the most important industrial centres in Hungary...

Hitachi expands range of rigid dump trucks
31 January 2011: Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV (HCME) has further expanded its range of large-capacity rigid dump trucks with the introduction of the EH4000ACII...

IC consolidates logistics chain
31 January 2011: Italiana Coke has acquired a 26% stake in Terminal Alti Fondali Savona (TAFS), which has the concession for a dedicated terminal at the port of Savona handling imported dry bulk...

Large Hitachi wheel loaders make their debut in Italy
31 January 2011: The official Hitachi dealer in Italy, SCAI, has delivered the first batch of new large wheel loaders to customers in the quarrying industry. The ZW330, ZW370 and ZW550 models are the...

Melco wins inaugural Anglo American ‘Supplier Award’
31 January 2011: Anglo American has presented Melco Conveyor Equipment (Pty) Limited (Melco) with the inaugural Supplier Award for Sustainability...

Monitoring and controlling plants and machines worldwide by mobile radio
31 January 2011: The Siemens Industry Automation Division is expanding its Teleservice and Telecontrol ranges with new products for remote access via mobile radio, such as the CP 1242-7 module, the IE Basic TeleService Adapter...

Odessa opens grain complex
31 January 2011: Odessa Commercial Seaport has commenced operations of a new grain transshipment complex. First phase construction came on line in early 2009, encompassing 19 silos and two ‘hemispheres’, giving it a total capacity of 82,500 tonnes...

Plans afoot to build Brazilian deep water port
31 January 2011: The Brazilian state of Espírito Santos has launched a Strategic Transport Logistics Plan, which includes construction of a new deepwater super port at either Barra do Riachao...

Port of Rotterdam looks forward
31 January 2011: The Port Authority of Rotterdam lets out — on long-term leases — port sites to businesses, particularly to storage firms, cargo terminals and the chemical and petrochemical industry, including energy producers...

Progress evident in Richards Bay terminal’s turnaround
31 January 2011: Despite strike-related challenges early last year (2010), Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) Richards Bay approached 2010 with solid plans for improved efficiency across its business functions...

Pushing the boundaries of grab unloading
31 January 2011: The operations of modern bulk terminals need to be based on sustainable environmental thinking and modern, reliable equipment in order to provide excellent service to their customers and achieve strong financial results.

QMASTOR finalizes Pit to Port system contracts
31 January 2011: Following the selection of Australian software specialist QMASTOR as preferred vendor to one of South Africa’s largest and fastest-growing mining groups...

Regional Report: Germany
31 January 2011: After a somewhat subdued upward trend for the first three months of the year, the Port of Hamburg now reflects signs of significant growth once again.

SLP expands dry bulk operations in Bilbao
31 January 2011: SLP, one of the most important operators in the port to Bilbao, has sought permission to take over of a further 30,000m2 square metre area on quay AZ-3 in Zierbena Dock, where it will handle dry bulk...

TAIM WESER rail-mounted shiploader at Port of Marseille enters operation
31 January 2011: The new mobile rail-mounted loader for cereal loading supplied by TAIM WESER for the expansion of the Port of Marseille (France) is already up and running...

Terex Fuchs material handler keeps feed moving for Hendrix UTD
31 January 2011: When there is feed to be shifted, the logistics must work – that view is firmly held by Hendrix UTD, one of the largest producers of animal feed in the Netherlands...

The ongoing success of the CSU – continuous ship unloaders show their worth in the bulk handling market
31 January 2011: Buhler CSUs prove popular in the Asian market Buhler AG offers a wide range of products for the gentle and efficient handling and storage of valuable agricultural raw materials such as grains or derivatives...

Valemax vessels to call at two Brazilian ports
31 January 2011: Authorities in Rio de Janeiro are processing requests to allow the ports of Vitória and Ponta da Madeira to accept calls by the new Valemax bulk carriers ordered by CVRD...

Arch Coal Acquires Equity Interest in West Coast Terminal
19 January 2011: Arch Coal, Inc. (NYSE: ACI) on Jan. 12 announced that it has acquired a 38 percent interest in Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview, LLC ("MBT"), in exchange for $25 million plus additional consideration upon the completion of certain project milestones...

Port of Vancouver USA Clears Way for Rail Project and Grain Elevator Expansion
19 January 2011: VANCOUVER, Wash. - Following a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the port's official planning document, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the surplus and subsequent demolition of three port buildings.

HAVER promotes automation
18 January 2011: HAVER IBAU INDIA Pvt. Ltd. will attend the BAUMA CONEXPO INDIA 2011, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles...

Sandvik Mining and Construction receives first order for one shiploader at the EMO terminal in the Netherlands
18 January 2011: Sandvik Mining and Construction has signed a contract with Erts- en Kolen Overslagbedrijf Maasvlakte (EKOM) for the supply of one shiploader at Europees Massagoed Overslagbedrijf (EMO) BV terminal, Rotterdam in the Netherlands...

MacGregor GravityVibeReel NKM NoellConductixEMS-TechMGB & CompanyESI EurosiloAssociated TerminalsRIKONListenowNegriniOrts Grabs
CSLE-CraneTelestack LimitedGrupo ETETOBU GrabsAchenbach CoversIHINEUEROVerstegen