Over 100 years since its creation and establishment as the primary hub of Polish foreign trade, the Port of Gdynia is now undertaking ambitious investments to expand its transshipment capacity. The primary goal of the current investment is to facilitate the calling of larger bulk and container vessels, with a maximum length of 400m, beam of 58m, and a maximum draught of 14.7m. Additionally, the investment aims to enhance navigation conditions and the safety of hydrotechnical structures. The project involves rebuilding 4km of the port canal and approximately 1.5km of quays.
The amount of bulk cargo transshipped at the Port of Gdynia depends on the macroeconomic situation, which has been affected by ongoing war in Ukraine since 2022.
  • Coal & coke: 2.83mt (million tonnes)
  • Iron ore: 0.01mt
  • Agriproducts: 6.76mt
  • Other bulk: 1.02mt
  • Oil and petroleum products: 3.54mt
  • Total throughput in the Port of Gdynia in 2023: 29.40mt
  • The dredging of selected parts of the port basins to a depth of 16m is nearing completion.
  • The reconstruction of port quays is currently under way. In December 2022, a contract was signed for the reconstruction of The Indian Quay, which is intended for bulk carriers loaded with grain and fodder and is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024.
  • Preparations are under way to modernize the liquid fuel handling station.
  • Terminals operating in the Port of Gdynia are investing independently in increasing their transshipment capacity.
  • New warehouses are being constructed, including those for handling agricultural products.
  • The tender for the grain terminal at the Port of Gdynia is currently under way. The new tenant will enhance the transshipment potential.
Companies involved in bulk handling at the Port of Gdynia: HES Gdynia Bulk Terminal Ltd., Baltic Bulk Terminal Ltd., PERN, OT Port Gdynia Ltd., SPEED Ltd., AALBORG Portland Polska Ltd., ALPETROL Ltd., KOOLE Tankstorage Gdynia, Grain Terminal (the selection of the tenant is currently in the tendering process).