Tandem rotary railcar dumper equipment, also known as wagon tippler, which formed part of an order from a Canadian bulk terminal that included a high-capacity quadrant beam ship loader, has been operating seamlessly since installation. The order included two single wagon tipplers, an indexer and five wheel grippers.
The railcar indexer handles a string of railcars with a maximum pulling force of 150 tons at the sidearm, moving trains in both directions with high positioning accuracy into the tippler. The tippler features hydraulic clamping mechanisms for railcars with various heights and widths and automatic mid-loco handling through the tippler system.
Wagon Unloading
TAKRAF supplies a range of wagon-unloading systems and equipment, customized to the client's requirements, including site-specific conditions and minimizing environmental impact. In addition, the company provides on-site advice to enable clients on territorial specifics and regulations.
Individual machines or wagon unloading systems are supplied as part of complete, often highly complex, installations for the handling and storage of raw materials and other bulk goods, with the latest techniques in planning, design and production employed for fast delivery.
TAKRAF Wagon Tipplers, also known as railcar dumpers or wagon unloading stations, include rotary, crescent-type and side-unloading tipplers. All these systems can unload a train even when there are wagons of differing sizes.
Multi-wagon rotary wagon tippler
•    Single, tandem, triple or quadruple wagon unloading
•    C-type and O-type tippler designs for fast duty cycles
•    Nominal system capacity of 40 cycles per hour
•    Tippler rotation operating time of approximately 35 seconds
•    Wagons rotated about their own center of gravity (no lifting required) or about the coupler center (unit train) in order to unload
•    Drive units are VFD-type and hence suitable for time cycle requirements
Side unloading wagon tippler
•    Wagon rotated and lifted about central pivot to unload
•    Nominal system capacity of 25 cycles per hour
•    Minimum tippler rotation operating time of approximately 70 seconds
•    Shallow civil works required compared to rotary tipplers
•    Drive units are VFD-type and hence suitable for time cycle requirements

Auxiliary Equipment
TAKRAF supplies additional equipment, such as train positioners, rail clamps and shifting platforms.
Positioner / indexer
•    Pushes and/or extracts trains or uncoupled wagons from tippler
•    VFD-type drive units suitable for time cycle requirements and handling of loads
•    Rack and pinion type
•    Capable of pushing/pulling on center strikers or wagon corners
Wheel gripper / wheel stop
•    Holds train in position following completion of positioner forward motion cycles and after positioner disengages from train
•    Isolates tippler from residual train forces during train operation
•    Prevents separated unloading wagons from entering tippler operating zone during wagon movement operations

Innovation out of tradition – It pays to talk to a specialist!

About TAKRAF Group
TAKRAF Group, through its established and well-known brands, TAKRAF and DELKOR, provides innovative technological solutions to the mining and associated industries. With experience acquired over more than a century, the Group is well positioned to provide equipment, systems and services that best satisfy its clients’ mining, comminution, material handling, liquid/solid separation and beneficiation requirements. Servicing owners and operators around the world, TAKRAF Group‘s engineered solutions are customized to the unique project requirements and are aimed at lowering the total cost of ownership and reducing environmental impact by improving efficiency with safe and reliable equipment.
For further information, visit www.takraf.com or, e-mail info@takraf.com.